
Thursday, July 29, 2021

energy transformations

 When energy is passed from type to another changes these are 8 types of energy.

 Kinetic - Allows movement
 Heat - The amount of energy based on the temperature.
 Light - Fragments that reflect lights.
 Gravitational - Effect of gravity pushing down
 Electrical - Anything that uses power
 Sound - Allows you to hear
Elastic potential - something we can stretch

Chemical potential - Food and fuel.

We made a Marshmellow Cannon. We used to a cut up balloon for that elastic potential and we also had to cut up a cut in the right way so that the Marshmellow cannon would work the way we indented it  to. The point of this was to use all 7 types of energy's that I had explained except electrical.  Kinetic which allows movement. Heat, the amount of energy based on the temperature. Light fragments. etc.